Christy Thornton
December 2024
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Professional Appointments
New York University
2024– | Associate Professor of History |
2024– | Affiliated Faculty, Department of Sociology and Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) |
Johns Hopkins University
2024– | Associate Professor of Sociology (on leave) |
2022–24 | Co-Chair, Program in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies |
2018–24 | Assistant Professor of Sociology and Latin American Studies |
2017–18 | Assistant Research Professor of Sociology |
Harvard University
2017–18 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Weatherhead Initiative on Global History |
Rowan University
2015–17 | Assistant Professor of History and International Studies |
2015 | PhD, Department of History, New York University |
2003 | Master of International Affairs, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University |
2002 | BA, Department of Political Science, Barnard College |
Select Publications
2021 | Revolution in Development: Mexico and the Governance of the Global Economy. Oakland: University of California Press.
Reviewed in Hispanic American Historical Review, Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos, American Journal of Sociology, Journal of Latin American Studies, Diplomatic History, NACLA Report on the Americas, Economic History Review, etc. |
Journal Articles
2023 | “Developmentalism as Internationalism: Toward a Global Historical Sociology of the Origins of the Development Project,” Sociology of Development 9, no. 1: 33–55.
2022 | “‘Our Balkan Peninsula’: The Mexican Question in the League of Nations Debate,” Diplomatic History 46, no. 2: 237–262. |
2022 | “Establishing the Limits of the Liberal International Order: Latin America and the Demand for Development, Cambridge Review of International Affairs 35, no. 5: 680–697. |
2018 | “A Mexican International Economic Order? Tracing the Hidden Roots of the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States,” Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development 9, no. 3, 389-421. |
Journal Roundtable Contributions
2024 | “What Kind of a Theory is the Medium Durée?” in Social Science History special issue: “What was the Cold War?” edited by Mitchell Stevens and Ioana Sendroiu (online ahead of print, Oct 2024). |
Forthcoming, | “State Violence and the Bitter Ends of the ‘Milagro Mexicano,’” in Radical History Review special issue: “After the Economic Miracle,” edited by Ravinder Kaur and Barbara Weinstein. |
2024 | “El NOEI visto como una advertencia,” in El equilibrio del mundo: El nuevo orden económico internacional (1974-2024), V. Gandikota-Nellutla, K. Batthyány, and D. Adler, eds. (Buenos Aires: CLACSO), 49–60. |
2023 | “Fences Make Bad Hombres: Trump in Latin America,” in Chaos Reconsidered: The Liberal Order and the Future of International Politics, R. Jervis, D. Labrosse, S. Goddard, and J. Rovner, eds. (New York: Columbia University Press). |
2020 | “Responding to a Revolution: The ‘Mexican Question’ in the United States,” in A Companion to U.S. Foreign Relations, Colonial Era to the Present, Volume 1, Chris Dietrich, ed. (Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell), 325–344. |
2020 | “A Mexican New International Economic Order?” in Latin America and the Global Cold War, T. Field, S. Krepp, and V. Pettinà, eds. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2020), 301–342. (Republished from Humanity). |
2018 | “‘Mexico Has the Theories’: Latin America and the Invention of Development in the 1930s,” in The Development Century: A Global History, S. Macekura and E. Manela, eds. (New York: Cambridge), 263–282. |
2017 | “Voice and Vote for the Weaker Nations: Mexico’s Bretton Woods,” in Global Perspectives on the Bretton Woods Conference and the Post-War World Order, G. Scott-Smith and J. Simon Rofe, eds. (London: Palgrave MacMillan), 149–165. |
Volumes and Special Issues Edited
2022 | Co-editor with Luis Rodríguez, Special Issue of Cambridge Review of International Affairs including introduction: “The Liberal International Order and the Global South: A View from Latin America,” vol 35, no. 5: 626–638. |
2009 | Co-editor with D. Fireside, A. Reuss, P. Morales, and C. Tilly, Real World Latin America: A Contemporary Economics and Social Policy Reader. Boston: Dollars & Sense. |
2005 | Co-editor with Eric Hershberg, The Development Imperative: Toward a People-Centered Approach. New York: Social Science Research Council. |
Book Reviews
2024 | Review of Leslie C. Gates, Capitalist Outsiders: Oil’s Legacies in Mexico and Venezuela (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2023), American Journal of Sociology 130, no 2: 518–520. |
2024 | Introduction to review roundtable on Michael Franczak, Global Inequality and American Foreign Policy in the 1970s (Cornell University Press, 2022), H-Diplo Roundtable 15–23. |
2024 | Introduction to review roundtable on Eric Helleiner, The Contested World Economy: The Deep and Global Roots of International Political Economy (Cambridge, 2023), H-Diplo Roundtable 15-41. |
2023 | Review of Jeremy Adelman and Gyan Prakash, eds., Inventing the Third World: In Search of Freedom for the Postwar Global South (London: Bloomsbury, 2023), H-Diplo Review Essay 520. |
2023 | Review of Jamie Martin, The Meddlers: Sovereignty, Empire, and the Birth of Global Economic Governance (Harvard University Press 2022), H-Diplo Roundtable 14-21. |
2023 | Review of Margarita Fajardo, The World That Latin America Created: The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America in the Development Era (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2022), Journal of Social History 56 no. 3: 715–717. |
2022 | Review of Benjamin T Smith, The Dope: The Real History of the Mexican Drug Trade (W.W. Norton, 2021), The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs 36, no. 2: 317–139. |
2022 | Review of A.S. Dillingham, Oaxaca Resurgent: Indigeneity, Development, and Inequality in Twentieth-Century Mexico (Stanford University Press, 2021), Journal of Interdisciplinary History 53, no. 2: 370–372. |
2022 | Review of Fernando Calderón and Manuel Castells, The New Latin America (Polity Press, 2020), Bulletin of Latin American Research 41, no 5: 684–685. |
2022 | Review of Benjamin Montoya, Risking Immeasurable Harm: Immigration Restriction and U.S.–Mexican Diplomatic Relations, 1924–1932 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2020), Diplomatic History 46, no. 4: 826–829. |
2022 | Review of Michael L. Rosino, Debating the Drug War: Race, Politics and the Media (New York: Routledge, 2021), American Journal of Sociology 127, no. 5: 1709–1710. |
2021 | Review of Daniela Spenser, In Combat: The Life of Lombardo Toledano (Leiden: Brill, 2020), The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American History 78, no. 3: 528–529. |
2021 | Review of Eric Zolov, The Last Good Neighbor: Mexico in the Global Sixties (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2020), H-Diplo Roundtable XXII-33. |
2020 | Review of Lars Schoultz, In Their Own Best Interest: A History of the U.S. Effort to Improve Latin Americans (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018), Latin American Politics and Society 62, no 4: 22–25. |
2020 | Review of Jeremy Slack, Deported to Death: How Drug Violence is Changing Migration on the U.S.–Mexico Border (Oakland: University of California Press, 2019) Journal of American Ethnic History 39, no. 4: 102–104. |
2020 | Response to Bessner and Logevall’s “Recentering the United States in the Historiography of American Foreign Relations,” H-Diplo Roundtable XXI-42, May 25, 2020. |
2020 | Review of Sara Lorenzini, Global Development: A Cold War History (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2019), H-Diplo Roundtable. |
2018 | Review of Maria-Aparecida Lopes and María Cecilia Zuleta, eds., Mercados en común. Estudios sobre conexiones transnacionales, negocios y diplomacia en las Américas (México, D.F.: El Colegio de México, 2016), Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 43, no. 2: 310–312. |
2018 | Review of Tore Olsson, Agrarian Crossings: Reformers and the Remaking of the US and Mexican Countryside (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2017), Journal of Peasant Studies 45, no. 3: 697–682, and H-Diplo Roundtable, June 10, 2019. |
2016 | Review of Alan McPherson and Yannick Wehrli, Beyond Geopolitics: New Histories of Latin America at the League of Nations (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2015), H-Diplo Reviews Essay. |
Fellowships, Grants, and Awards
2024-26 | Open Society Foundation, Education & Ideas Collaborative Grant: The History and Political Economy Project (co-PI with Quinn Slobodian) |
2023 | Kluge Fellowship, The John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress |
2021–25 | William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Economy and Society Grant: The History and Political Economy Project (co-PI with Quinn Slobodian) |
2020 | Provost’s PhD Professional Development Innovation Initiative Award, JHU |
2019 | Faculty Center Award for Excellence in Faculty Advising, Rowan University |
2018 | Dean’s Interdisciplinary Project Grant, Latin America in a Globalizing World Initiative, JHU (with Casey Lurtz, Bécquer Seguin, Alessandro Angelini) |
2017 | Postdoctoral Fellowship, Weatherhead Initiative on Global History, Harvard University |
2017 | Mellon-Sawyer Postdoctoral Fellowship in Comparative Revolutions, Brandeis University (declined) |
2017 | Frances R. Lax Award for Faculty Development, Rowan University |
2015 | Lewis Hanke Post-Doctoral Award Conference on Latin American History (CLAH) |
2014 | Mellon Foundation Dissertation Completion Fellowship American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) |
2014 | Mellon Foundation Dissertation Completion Fellowship, NYU GSAS (declined) |
2013 | Dissertation Research Grant Harvard Center for History and Economics / Institute for New Economic Thinking |
2012 | International Dissertation Research Fellowship Social Science Research Council |
2012 | Samuel Flagg Bemis Dissertation Research Grant Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) |
2010 | Alumni Fellowship, Barnard College Alumnae Association |
2001 | Harry S. Truman Scholarship |
Invited Talks
2024 | University of Michigan, OLLI lecture series, “Mexico in the Global Economy,” October 10. |
2024 | New York University, Department of Sociology Lukes Seminar, “To Reckon with the Riot: IFI Responses to Social Protest in Historical Perspective,” October 9. |
2024 | New York University, Department of History: “The Echeverría Doctrine: Development and Counterinsurgency in 1970s Mexico,” February 28. |
2024 | University of California, Santa Barbara, History and Political Economy Colloquium, “To Reckon with the Riot: Social Protest and Global Economic Governance,” January 12. |
2023 | American University, School of International Service, Historical International Studies Research Cluster: “To Reckon with the Riot: Social Protest and Global Economic Governance,” October 17. |
2023 | Harvard University, International and Global History Seminar: “To Reckon with the Riot: Social Protest and Global Economic Governance,” March 8. |
2023 | University College London, The Americas and the World Seminar: “Mexican Foreign Relations from the Revolution to the Cold War,” February 6. |
2023 | Yale University, History Department and Jackson School of Global Affairs: “To Reckon with the Riot: Social Protest and Global Economic Governance,” January 26. |
2023 | Boston University, Pardee School of Global Affairs: “To Reckon with the Riot: Social Protest and Global Economic Governance,” January 18. |
2022 | George Washington University, International Relations Workshop: “To Reckon with the Riot: Social Protest and Global Economic Governance,” December 1. |
2022 | Yale University, Global and International History Workshop: “To Reckon with the Riot: Social Protest and Global Economic Governance,” November 14. |
Presentations of Revolution in Development
2023 | Harvard Business School, Business History Initiative, October 16. |
2022 | American Society of International Law, International Economic Law Interest Group, September 30. |
New York University, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Department of History, May 12. | |
New York University, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Department of History, May 12. | |
Graduate Institute Geneva and SciencesPo, Seminar in International Law and Global History, March 17. | |
2021 | Cornell University, Critical Development Studies Seminar, November 19. |
York University, Department of Politics and Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC), November 5. | |
University of California, Berkeley, Department of Sociology, September 20. | |
Harvard University, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, September 8. | |
University of Chicago, Katz Center for Mexican Studies Seminar, April 27. | |
University of Connecticut, Department of History and Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies, April 16. | |
Embassy of Mexico to the Kingdom of Norway, April 16. | |
University of Utrecht, Global and Imperial Relations Cluster, April 13. | |
Colegio de México, Seminario de Historia Internacional, February 26. | |
Dartmouth College, Department of History Symposium, February 26. | |
Southern Methodist University, Department of History, February 24. |
2021 | Harvard University, Center for International Development, Diversity in Development Series: “Alternative Visions of ‘Development,’” November 17. |
2019 | University of California Los Angeles, Department of Sociology, Political Sociology of the Global South Seminar: “Revolution in Development: Mexico and the Governance of the Global Economy,” November 22. |
2019 | George Washington University, Department of History: “‘The Solidarity We Demand Is a Condition of Survival’: Mexico, the United States, and the Global Economy in the 1970s,” November 1. |
2019 | University of New Mexico, Latin American & Iberian Institute: “Revolution in Development: Mexico and the Governance of the Global Economy,” October 25. |
2019 | The New School for Social Research, Department of Sociology, “Historical Sociology from the South: Perspectives and the New School Legacy,” April 5. |
2017 | Harvard University, Weatherhead Initiative on Global History Seminar, “A Mexican New International Economic Order?,” November 13. |
2017 | Yale University, Council of Iberian and Latin American Studies: “Mexico has the Theories: The Latin American Origins of Development in the United States,” October 31. |
2017 | Temple University, Center for the Study of Force and Diplomacy: “Neoliberalism and the Narco-State: The Political Economy of U.S.-Mexican Relations Today,” September 28. |
2017 | Tamiment Library Cold War Seminar: “Not Just Rights, but Duties: Mexico and the New International Economic Order,” October 5. |
2017 | Johns Hopkins University, Department of Sociology: “Revolution in Development: Mexico and the Governance of the Global Economy,” May 2. |
2017 | The New School for Social Research, Janey Program in Latin American Studies: “Revolution in Development: Mexico and the Governance of the Global Economy,” April 20. |
2015 | University of California, Los Angeles, Center for Social Theory and Comparative History: “Mexico: Popular Resistance, the Narco-state and the U.S.” June 1. |
2014 | Baruch College, CUNY, Department of History: “A New Legal and Philosophic Conception of Credit:” The International Impact of Mexico’s Vision of Debt, Finance and Development in the 1930s,” February 21. |
Select Conference Presentations
2025 | American Historical Association (AHA) Annual Meeting, New York: Roundtable presentation on Tehila Sasson, The Solidarity Economy: Nonprofits and the Making of Neoliberalism after Empire (Princeton 2024). |
2024 | The Bretton Woods Twins and Structural Adjustment Programs in the Era of Neoliberal Globalization Conference, Corvinus University, Budapest: “To Reckon with the Riot: Bank and Fund Responses to Social Protest in the 1980s.” |
2024 | Historical Challenges to International Development Conference, King’s College London: “‘Riots Could Be Expected’: McNamara’s World Bank and the Challenge of Copenhagen.” |
2024 | American Historical Association (AHA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco: Panel presentation for Toynbee Prize Foundation Roundtable: “What Is Global History Now?” |
2023 | Social Science History Association (SSHA) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC: Panel presentation for “Roundtable: After the Cold War.” |
2023 | American University, School of International Service: Panel presentation for Chaos Reconsidered: The Liberal Order and the Future of International Politics book launch. |
2023 | American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Historical Sociology Paper Session: “To Reckon with the Riot: Global Economic Governance and Social Protest.” |
2023 | Associação Brasileira de Relações Internacionais (ABRI) Annual Meeting, Belo Horizonte, Brasil: Roundtable presentation on “Economia Política Internacional num mundo em transição: agendas de pesquisa e desafios contemporâneos.” |
2023 | Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA: “On the Origins of the NIEO: Methodology and Archives in International History.” |
2023 | Global Histories of Austerity Past and Present Symposium, University of Wisconsin, Madison: “Resistance before Austerity: World Bank Protest and Development Planning in the 1970s.” |
2022 | Social Science History Association (SSHA): Presidential roundtable on “Empire, Anti-Imperialism and Revolution” and roundtable on “U.S. Empire in Latin America and the Caribbean.” |
2022 | Making and Breaking Global Order in the Twentieth Century Conference, Leidin University, Netherlands: workshop presentation on “Archives and methods: Researching 20th century global ordering,” and paper presentation, “Latin America, Development, and the Limits of the Global Order.” |
2022 | Development Dreams from the Socialist South Conference, University of Bristol, UK: “Before Bandung: The Latin American Development Demand.” |
2022 | Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Annual Meeting, online: Luciano Tomassini Prize panel for Revolution in Development |
2021 | Global International Society and the Liberal Script through the Lens of Latin America Conference, Freie Universität Berlin: Panel presentation on “Exclusions and Critiques, The Limits to Liberal Ordering, and Liberalism’s Relationship to Other Ideologies.” |
2021 | SSHA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia: “Developmentalism as Internationalism: Toward a Global Historical Sociology of the Origins of the Development Project.” |
2021 | Seminario internacional: Las venas abiertas de América Latina 50 años después, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay: “‘La terapéutica empeora al enfermo’: El FMI y el Banco Mundial en la crítica de Galeano.” |
2021 | SHAFR, Annual Meeting, online: roundtable presentation for “New Approaches to the History of Decolonization.” |
2021 | The Anticolonial Transnational workshop, Harvard University: “The Struggle for Economic Decolonization: Mexico and Algeria in the New International Economic Order.” |
2021 | International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Meeting, online: roundtable presentation for “Latin American Engagements with International Orders: Contributions and Contestations.” |
2020 | Social Justice, Remade? The Decline of the European Welfare State in a Global Context, 1973-2009 conference, University of Wisconsin, Madison: “The United States in Opposition? Mexico, the Third World, and the Reform of the Global Economy in the 1970s.” |
2020 | Society for the Study of Socio-Economics (SASE) Annual Meeting, online: “The Development Demand: Mexico’s Interwar Fight for Representation and Redistribution.” |
2020 | ISA Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI: “Mexico, Latin America, and the Governance of the Global Economy: A Historical Perspective on IPE from the South,” and Roundtable presentation on “Re-Contouring the ‘Anti-Colonial’ in the Cold War Era” (canceled due to COVID-19). |
2020 | AHA Annual Meeting, New York, NY: Roundtable on “The New Place of Latin America in World History.” |
2019 | ASA Annual Meeting, New York, NY, PEWS Session on South-South Flows, “A Charter for Economic Decolonization: Mexico, the Third World, and the Contradictions of South-South Development Cooperation.” |
2019 | SHAFR Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA: “‘The Solidarity We Demand is a Condition of Survival’: Mexico, the United States, and the Global Economy in the 1970s.” |
2019 | The Making of a World Order Conference, American University in Paris: “‘Mexico is our Balkan Peninsula’: The United States Confronts the Mexican Revolution in the League of Nations Debate.” |
2018 | ASA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Section on Sociology of Development Roundtable Session: “Fue el Estado: Social Movements and Neoliberal Development in Mexico.” |
2018 | Comparative & Historical Sociology Mini-Conference, Philadelphia, PA: “Capitalist Crisis and Global Economic Governance: Reform from the South.” |
2018 | LASA Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain: “Overcoming the Decolonization Divide: Mexico, Latin America, and the New International Economic Order.” |
2018 | Conferencia Internacional: Democracia y Autoritarismo en México y el Mundo, UNAM, Mexico City: “Retos democráticos en México hacia las elecciones de 2018.” |
2018 | Revising the Geography of Modern World Histories conference, York University, York, UK: “Overcoming the Decolonization Divide: Mexico, Latin America, and the New International Economic Order.” |
2018 | The United States and Global Capitalism in the Twentieth Century Conference, Fordham University, New York, NY: “‘Give Them a Share’: The Latin American Origins of Development in the United States.” |
2018 | AHA Annual Meeting/Conference on Latin American History, Washington, DC: Roundtable Presentation: “Economic Sovereignty and the Decolonization Divide.” |
2017 | Harvard University, Weatherhead Initiative on Global History Seminar: “A Mexican New International Economic Order?” |
2017 | Global Histories of Capital: New Perspectives on the Global South Conference, New York University, New York, NY: “‘Taking Seriously the Needs and Wishes of the Debtor Countries’: Mexican Advocacy for International Development in the 1930s.” |
2017 | SHAFR, Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA: Roundtable presentation, “Economic Sovereignty, the Third World, and U.S. Foreign Relations.” |
2017 | AHA Annual Meeting/Conference on Latin American History, Denver, CO: “‘Taking Seriously the Needs and Wishes of the Debtor Countries’: Mexican Interwar Advocacy for International Development.” |
2016 | Histories of Capitalism 2.0, Cornell University History of Capitalism Initiative Conference, Ithaca, NY: “‘Mexico has the Theories’: Debt, Finance, and Development in the 1930s.” |
2016 | SHAFR Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA: “A Mexican New International Economic Order?” |
2016 | LASA Annual Meeting, New York, NY: “Mexico’s Influence on New Deal Conceptions of Debt, Credit and Development.” |
2016 | Seminario Internacional: América Latina y el Internacionalismo Ginebrino de Entreguerras, Universidad Michoacana San Nicolas de Allende, Morelia, Mexico: “‘Voz y voto para los países débiles’: México en Bretton Woods.” |
Session Chair and Comment
2025 | AHA Annual Meeting, New York: Chair for panel, “The Politics of Globalization in the Modern United States.” |
2025 | AHA Annual Meeting, New York: Comment for panel “Imagining Latin American Economic Futures before the Neoliberal Era (II).” |
2024 | The New International Economic Order: Lessons and Legacies 50 Years Later Research Conference, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice: Closing roundtable comment. |
2023 | Genealogies of Development: Approaches from Latin America Research Conference, JHU: Comment for Roundtable, “Defining Development.” |
2023 | Comparative Historical Sociology Mini-Conference, Drexel University, Philadelphia: Comment for panel “Relational and Transnational Approaches to Colonialism.” |
2023 | SHAFR Annual Meeting, Washington, DC: Chair for panel, “Hegemony, Dependence, and Resistance: Global Approaches to Development.” |
2023 | University of Maryland, Histories of Global Capitalism Forum: Comment on Paula de la Cruz-Fernández, “Gendered Capitalism: Multinationals and Global Cultures of Domesticity.” |
2022 | New Perspectives on the Great Depression Conference, Center for History and Economics, Harvard University: Comment for panel “Fortifying and Contesting Empire.” |
2022 | LASA Annual Meeting, online: Comment for roundtable, “Genealogies of Development: From ‘Fomento’ to ‘Desarrollo’ in 19th and 20th Century Latin America.” |
2021 | SSHA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia: Comment for panel “Empire, Industry and State Finance in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries.” |
2021 | Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft: Comment on Making the Forever War: Marilyn Young on the Culture and Politics of American Militarism, Mary Dudziak and Mark Bradley, eds. |
2021 | Critical Conversations in Reproductive Health/Care: Past, Present, and Future conference, Johns Hopkins University: Chair for panel “Global Perspectives on Race,Class, Reproductive Governance, and Obstetric Violence.” |
2021 | Conference on Latin American History Annual Meeting (online): Comment for roundtable “New Directions in Latin American History.” |
2020 | NYU International Law and Human Rights Emerging Scholarship Conference, paper comment, “Asylum as Reparation for Past Historical Wrongs: United States’ Involvement in Creating Today’s Central American Refugee Crisis.” |
2019 | Global Green New Deal Conference, Johns Hopkins: Comment on Adam Tooze keynote, “Lessons from history? The Green New Deal and the shadow of 20th-century history.” |
2019 | SHAFR Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA: Comment for Panel “Between Nationalism and Internationalism: Latin America, the United States, and the Third World” |
2019 | New School for Social Research Sociology Graduate Conference, Ruptures and Continuities: Historical Change in a Contested World: Comment for Panel “Global Capital and Empire.” |
2018 | ASA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA: Presider for Regular Session on Development |
2018 | AHA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC: Comment for panel “Spain, Latin America, and the Trans-Atlantic Cold War.” |
2017 | Tamiment Library Cold War Seminar, New York, NY: Comment on Eric Zolov, “Flirting with Neutralism: The Spirit of Bandung in Mexican National Politics, 1960-1961.” |
2017 | AHA Annual Meeting/Conference on Latin American History, Denver, CO: Comment for the panel “Transnational Perspectives on the Making of 20th Century Latin American Nationalisms.” |
2016 | SHAFR Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA: Chair and comment for panel “Economic History in Alliances and Empires” |
Sessions and Conferences Organized
2024 | Neoliberalism’s Citadels and Chokepoints, History and Political Economy Project Research Conference, Boston University, Boston MA. |
2024 | The New International Economic Order: Lessons and Legacies 50 Years Later, History and Political Economy Project Research Conference, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy. |
2023 | Post-Neoliberal Transformations: Politics, Practices and Governance in a Changing International Political Economy, Mini-conference, SASE Annual Meeting, Rio de Janeiro. |
2022 | The Many Births and Foretold Deaths of Neoliberalism, History and Political Economy Project Research Conference, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. |
2022 | History and Political Economy Project Workshop, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. |
2019 | Latin America in the Liberal International Order: Research Conference co-sponsored by the Latin America in a Globalizing World Initiative, Johns Hopkins, and the Center for Latin American and Latino Studies (CLALS), American University. |
2018 | AHA Annual Meeting/Conference on Latin American History, Washington, DC, Roundtable: “Historical Perspectives on Sovereignty in the Americas.” |
2017 | AHA Annual Meeting/Conference on Latin American History, Denver, CO, Panel: “Mexico on the World Economic Stage.” |
2016 | LASA Annual Meeting, New York, NY, Panel: “A conversation with Noam Chomsky on the 30th Anniversary of the Managua Lectures.” |
2015 | LASA Annual Meeting, San Juan, PR, Roundtable: “Reevaluating Economic ‘Turning Points’ in 20th Century Latin America.” |
2014 | American (Inter)Dependencies: New Perspectives on Capitalism and Empire, 1898-1959, Conference at New York University, funded by a grant from the Humanities Initiative, co-organized with Joshua Frens-String and Augustine Sedgewick |
2014 | Conference on Latin American History Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Panel: “Post-Depression Histories of Social Welfare in the Americas.” |
2013 | SHAFR Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA, Panel: “Reciprocal Impact: Inter-American Capitalisms and U.S. Empire in the 20th Century.” |
2012 | LASA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Panel: “Inter-American System to World System: Some Economic Aspects of New Deal Diplomacy Reconsidered,” co-organized with Joshua Frens-String. |
2012 | SHAFR Annual Meeting, Hartford, CT, Panel: “The Mexican Revolution, the United States, and the World: South-North Political and Intellectual Transfers, 1925-1945.” |
Teaching, by date course first offered
Certificate in Teaching and Learning, Graduate School of Arts and Science, NYU
New York University
2025 | Graduate Research Seminar in Latin American and Caribbean History |
2025 | Contemporary Latin America |
Johns Hopkins University
2024 | Graduate Research Seminar, Global and Transnational Sociology |
2022 | Issues in International Development |
2021 | Resistance, Rebellion, and Revolution in Latin America |
2021 | Graduate Seminar, Latin America in a Globalizing World |
2020 | Beyond the Wall: The United States and Mexico |
2019 | Graduate Research Seminar (Trial Research Paper) in Sociology |
2019 | Capitalism, Dependency, and Development in Latin America |
2018 | Graduate Seminar in Macro/Comparative & Historical Sociology |
2018 | Political Economy of Drugs and Drug Wars |
Rowan University
2017 | Senior Seminars in History, International Studies |
2016 | Introduction to International Studies |
2016 | Modern Latin American History |
2015 | World History Since 1500: Trade, Commodities, and the History of Global Capitalism |
2015 | Colonial Latin American History |
Professional and University Service
Manuscript reviewer
Academic Journals: American Historical Review; Review of International Political Economy; Political Power and Social Theory; Bulletin of Latin American Research; Capitalism and History; Critical Historical Studies; International Politics; Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development; Diplomatic History; Journal of Global History; Business History Review; Journal of Contemporary History; Journal of World History; Latin American Research Review
Academic Presses: Cambridge University Press; Routledge; University of California Press; Bloomsbury; SUNY Press; University of Regina Press; Brill Historical Materialism Series
Editorial Committees
Estudios de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea de México; NACLA Report on the Americas; Critical Sociology; Advisory Board, Cambridge Review of International Affairs
Manuscript Workshops
Rachel Grace Newman, Assistant Professor, Colgate University, “The Future in Their Hands: Student Migration and Expert Formation in Mexico.”
Graduate Student Advising
Primary advisor, NYU: Alizandro Barraza Mendoza, CLACS (MA 2024). JHU: Lucas Azambuja, Sociology; Elayne Cardoso, Sociology (MA 2021).
Committee member/examiner, NYU: Charli Muller, Media, Culture and Communication. JHU: Manasi Karthik, Sociology; Conrad Jacober, Sociology; Mihau Olteanu, History; Aila Trasi, Political Science; Sebastián Link, Sociology (PhD 2024); David Johnson, Political Science (PhD 2024); Aditya Bahl, English (PhD 2024); Corey Payne, Sociology (PhD 2023); Jacob Kripp, Political Science (PhD 2022); Luis Rodríguez, Political Science (PhD 2020); Tulio Zille, Political Science (PhD 2019).Other universities: José Antonio Galindo, History, El Colegio de México; Julian Gómez Delgado, Sociology, The New School; Sergio Infante, History, Yale.
Selected Service Appointments
2025 | Search Committee member, Postdoctoral Fellow, History Department, NYU |
2024 | Luciano Tomassini International Relations Book Award Committee member, LASA |
2024 | Lifetime Achievement Award Committee member, Marxist Sociology Section, ASA |
2022-24 | Graduate Admissions and Graduate Studies Committee member, Sociology, JHU |
2023-24 | Mellon Foundation faculty mentor for Alberto Wilson III, Assistant Professor, Texas Christian University, School for Advanced Research, Santa Fe, NM |
2023 | Member, Luciano Tomassini International Relations Book Award Committee, LASA |
2023 | Member, Skocpol Dissertation Award Committee, Comparative and Historical Sociology Section, ASA |
2022–24 | Co-Chair, Program in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies, JHU |
2022 | Member, Subcommittee on Undergraduate Education, Shared Governance Council, JHU |
2021 | Director of Undergraduate Studies, Program in Latin American Studies, JHU |
2021 | Member, Graduate Student Best Paper Award Committee, Global and Transnational Sociology Section, ASA |
2021 | Member, Provost’s Undergraduate Research Award Committee, JHU |
2021 | Faculty Advisory Board, Arrighi Center for Global Studies, JHU |
2021 | Research advisor, California Pre-Doctoral Program, California State University |
2021 | Departmental Diversity Advocate, JHU Department of Sociology |
2020 | Finance Subcommittee, Homewood Faculty Assembly, JHU |
2020 | Faculty advisor and mentor, National Fellowships Program, JHU |
2019- | Member, Graduate Placement Committee, JHU Department of Sociology |
2019- | Member, Nomination Committee, Political Economy of the World System (PEWS) Section, ASA |
2019 | Chair, Charles A. Hale Fellowship for Mexican History Selection Committee, LASA |
2019 | Co-chair, Political Institutions and Processes Track, LASA |
2019 | Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, JHU |
2018–21 | Co-Director, Latin America in a Globalizing World Initiative, JHU |
2018 | Member and Diversity Advocate, Faculty Search Committee, JHU Department of History |
2015 | Member, Advisory Board, International Studies Program, Rowan University |
2015 | Co-chair, Area Studies: Critical and Historical Analysis Program Track, LASA |
Other Professional Experience & Affiliations
Professional Memberships
Previous Professional Experience
Executive Director, North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) June 2005–September 2009, New York, NY |
Program Coordinator in Applied Economics/International Forum for Development, Social Science Research Council June 2004–June 2005, New York, NY |