
Portfolio: Select Radio Interviews by Christy Thornton

Christy has been a radio host and producer since 2009, interviewing a broad range of guests, including local activists and political figures in New York City, as well as journalists, academics, and authors on topics near and far. The following is a small selection of her radio work. Other media appearances and interviews with Christy can be found on the media page.


Mychal Denzel Smith and Jesse Meyerson
Interview with journalists Mychal Denzel Smith and Jesse Meyerson from The Nation magazine about their cover story urging an economic program for the #BlackLivesMatter movement.


Omar Dahi
Interview with Omar Dahi, professor of economics at Hampshire College, about how conditions on the ground during the war in Syria drive the flows of refugees and migrants to Europe.


Lori Wallach
Interview with Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, about the tense negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) under the Obama administration.


Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Interview with Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, author of From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation (Haymarket Books, 2016), on the shortcomings of police reform efforts in the aftermath of the killing of Eric Garner at the hands of the NYPD.


Sean Starrs
Interview with Sean Starrs, professor at the City University of Hong Kong, about the causes and consequences of a sudden and surprising Chinese stock market crash.


Laura Emiko Soltis
Interview with Laura Emiko Soltis, Executive Director of the Freedom University Georgia, a free university program for undocumented students created after the Georgia state government banned undocumented youth from attending Georgia’s top public universities.


David Vine
Interview with David Vine, a professor of anthropology at American University, about his book Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World (Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt, 2015).


Steve Fischer
Interview with journalist Steve Fischer, a fellow in the Investigative Reporting Program at the University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, about the explosive investigative report he published with Anabel Hernández in the Mexican news magazine Proceso on the role of the Mexican government in the disappearance of 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Normal School in Guerrero, Mexico.


William LeoGrande
Interview with William LeoGrande, coauthor of Back Channel to Cuba: The Hidden History of Negotiations between Washington and Havana (University of North Carolina Press, 2014) on the opening of diplomatic ties between the United States and Cuba.


Rita Chin
Interview with Rita Chin, professor of history at the University of Michigan, about how the history of migration to Germany—and particularly the experiences with guest worker programs for Turkish migrants—shaped that country’s response to the 2015 migrant and refugee crisis there.


Kim Ives
Interview with journalist Kim Ives, editor of Haïti Liberté newspaper, on the fifth anniversary of the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti, in the midst of a cholera outbreak and political instability.


David Cay Johnston
Interview with pulitzer-prize willing journalist David Cay Johnston on the real price we pay for cheap oil, in terms of political instability and environmental disaster.


Barry Malone
Interview with Al-Jazeera English online editor Barry Malone about Al-Jazeera’s decision to stop using the word “migrant” to describe those fleeing the Middle East and North Africa during the crisis of 2015.


Dakem Roberts
Interview with New York City activist Dakem Roberts of the Resist Rikers coalition on the campaign to shut down the city jail.


Sujatha Fernandes
Interview with Sujatha Fernandes, author of Cuba Represent! Cuban Arts, State Power, and the Making of New Revolutionary Cultures (Duke University Press, 2006), and Close to the Edge: In Search of the Global Hip Hop Generation (Verso, 2011), on the revelation of U.S. efforts to use Cuban hip-hop groups to foment anti-government feeling in Cuba.


George Joseph
Interview with journalist George Joseph on his investigation into federal-contracting corruption at the Gulen charter school network, the second largest charter network in the country.


Angela Fernandez
Interview with Angela Fernandez, Director of the Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights, about Obama executive actions on immigration and how they would effect immigrants in New York City and beyond.